Compare yourself with the over 50,000 professionals who have self-assessed so far

Take the assessment
The Working Style Assessment starts with a survey that you can complete in less than 10 minutes. The 50 yes/no questions are designed specifically to uncover the working styles of the people who take it. Our custom profiling analytics scores responses in 23 different dimensions that that we interpret into insights of your strengths and weaknesses as a colleague, a team member, a manager, and an employee.
Take the assessment

Step 1

Take the assessment

Be yourself and answer honestly to find out your Working Style.

Step 2

View detailed results

Get the insights into what impacts your satisfaction at work and the arc of your career.

Step 3

Unlock your potential

Discover opportunities for growth and new possibilities in your career path with optional Premium analysis.

Global data collected
Our benchmark knowledge base contains assessments of over 50,000 professionals from 27 countries worldwide. Find out how you compare with this large pool of potential colleagues, bosses, and employees.

Learn valuable, actionable insights about who you are, what you want, and where you can find the most satisfaction and success.

Take the assessment